
Prayer: The Great Conversation is unavailable, but you can change that!

In his typical lucid and original style, Peter Kreeft explores many aspects and questions about prayer, the center of our spiritual lives. In a series of imaginative dialogues, Kreeft shows how prayer can be an exciting adventure, an inexhaustible joy, and a source of wisdom and strength.

in the form of faith or works, prayer or love. It’s the same divine fire, first caught by faith, then passed on by love and the works of love. Faith without works is dead—like the Dead Sea, receiving fresh water but not passing it on. And works without faith are like trying to irrigate a desert from your swimming pool. You have to be open at both ends. You receive God by faith and pass him on by works of love. That keeps it fresh. Sal: Loving God and loving neighbor are really one thing too? Vertical
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